Open Textbook Library
Now offering 1496 open textbooks, open textbooks are licensed by authors and publishers to be freely used and adapted. Download, edit and distribute them at no cost.
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
Over 83,500 academic peer-reviewed books. DOAB is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers. All DOAB services are free of charge and all data is freely available.
ISKME’s OER Textbooks
ISKME’s digital librarians have curated collections of Open Textbooks and full courses to help leverage OER. Supported in part by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, ISKME, the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education, created OER Commons as part of the Foundation’s worldwide OER initiative.
Openstax offers students free textbooks that meet scope and sequence requirements for most courses. These are peer-reviewed texts written by professional content developers. Sign up for a Student account to create and save notes and highlights in OpenStax study materials.
Milne Open Textbooks
MILNE Open Textbooks is an open access textbook publishing initiative established by State University of New York (SUNY) libraries. Milne Library Publishing at SUNY Geneseo manages and maintains Milne Open Textbooks, a catalogue of open textbooks authored and peer-reviewed by SUNY faculty and staff.
BCcampus Open Education
BCcampus Open Education offers a collection of hundreds of open textbooks created by faculty at academic institutions in British Columbia.
IntechOpen books
Read, share and download more than 7,100 peer-reviewed Open Access books. IntechOpen books aim at increasing awareness and promoting scientific research in support of the global United Nations Sustainable Development Goals programme. IntechOpen is a member of the UN SDG Publishers Compact.
Pressbooks Directory
Pressbooks Directory is a free, searchable catalogue that includes 6,908 open access books published by 185 organizations and networks using Pressbooks. It’s easy to copy, revise, remix, and redistribute any openly licensed content found here using Pressbooks’ publishing platform.
MIT Press Open Access Books
The MIT Press has been an open access leader for nearly three decades, publishing hundreds of books and articles openly, and working with authors, editors, scholars, societies, and research institutions to disseminate scholarly work as broadly as possible. Now, the Press is widely recognized as one of the most innovative open access publishers in the world and has made more than 350 open access books available.
LibreTexts Open Textbooks
LibreTexts is the adaptable, user-friendly open education resource platform that educators trust for creating, customizing, and sharing accessible, interactive textbooks, adaptive homework, and ancillary materials.
Saylor Academy Open Textbooks
Saylor Academy has published a collection of open textbooks. These books are provided under open licences that make allowance for use, revision and redistribution. In addition, it primarily offers open online courses based on curated Open Educational Resources (OER) that are openly licensed for adaptation and reuse.
Lyryx Open Textbooks
Lyryx maintains a number of open textbooks for Business, Economics, Mathematics and Statistics. The textbooks are freely available to download. The aim has always been that of making high-quality course materials accessible and affordable to students, while empowering instructors to focus on teaching.
American Institute of Mathematics
Open textbooks that have been approved by the American Institute of Mathematics. The American Institute of Mathematics is one of nine mathematical institutes in the United States, funded by the National Science Foundation. AIM’s mission is to advance mathematical knowledge through collaboration, to broaden participation in the mathematical endeavour, and to increase awareness of the contributions of the mathematical sciences to society.
Springer Open Books
Over three thousand e-books at your fingertips. Springer offers easy, unlimited access to essential scholarly e-books across science, medicine, technology, humanities, and social sciences. Their aim is to advance discovery, and their highly used and cited titles have an impact on learning and research across the world.
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg is a library of over 70,000 free e-books. Choose among free EPUB and Kindle e-books, download them or read them online. Project Gutenberg was the first provider of free electronic books, or e-books. Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg, invented e-books in 1971 and his memory continues to inspire the creation of e-books and related content today.
The open-content textbooks collection that anyone can edit – 3,421 books with 98,342 pages. Wikibooks is a Wikimedia project for collaboratively writing open-content textbooks that anyone, including you, can edit right now by clicking on the edit link that appears near the top of each Wikibooks page.
The Global Text Project
The Global Text Project is a joint project of the Terry College of Business of the University of Georgia and The Daniels College of Business of the University of Denver that publishes electronic texts for students in the developing world and maintains a database of links to books for such students. Founded in 2006, GTP has made over 100 textbooks available for free online, many of which have also been translated into other languages.
PDF Drive is your search engine for e-books which allows you to search, preview and download millions of e-books into your devices. . It provides access to over 74,965,557 e-Books for you to download for free.
Books Free
Books Free provides download free e-books for all departments of all subjects, easy one-click downloads without registration. We provide download without ads, without redirections just one click download, click the button to get the file.
Founded in 2017 by John S. Harris, EPDF has come a long way from its beginnings as a university project. They are dedicated to giving you the very best of PDF, with a focus on textbooks, novels, user guide, user manual, etc.
FULafia E-Books
Over 41,078 e-books accessible on campus, covering a large se